Internal migration in Egypt : levels, determinants, wages, and likelihood of employment (English) - The World Bank
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Internal migration in Egypt : levels, determinants, wages, and likelihood of employment (English)
AbstractThis paper describes stylized facts about internal migration and the labor force in Egypt, and shows how internal migration in the country is low compared with international standards. Using aggregate labor force survey data, the paper shows how individuals… This paper describes stylized facts about internal migration and the labor force in Egypt, and shows how internal migration in the country is low compared with international standards. Using aggregate labor force survey data, the paper shows how individuals migrate to governorates with higher wages. With a Mincerian equation, the analysis finds that migrants earn premiums with respect to non-migrants, except for those migrants with low education levels. The aggregate labor statistics reveal lower unemployment rates among migrants, a phenomenon that is verified by an employment equation. According to the econometric results, migrants are more likely to be employed, even after controlling for other observable individual characteristics. Finally, the paper estimates a Probit model for the decision to migrate, finding that more educated individuals are more likely to migrate, agricultural workers have a lower probability of migrating, and individuals from governorates in which food production for own consumption is higher are less likely to migrate. These results suggest that low educational attainment and the "food problem", which ties resources to food production to meet subsistence requirements, are at the root of low migration in Egypt.
- Herrera, Santiago; Badr, Karim;
- 2012/08/01
- Policy Research Working Paper
- WPS6166
- 1 of 1
- Egypt, Arab Republic of;
- Middle East and North Africa;
- 2012/08/01
- Internal migration in Egypt : levels, determinants, wages, and likelihood of employment
agricultural workers, care for children, cities, commuting, development policy, economic growth, educational attainment, elderly, farmers, food production, gender, households … housing, ill health, inequality, internal migrants, Internal Migration, International Migration, labor force, Labor Market, land tenure, land titling, level of education, levels of education, living standards, migrant, migrants, Migration Flows, migration rates, migrations, Mobility, number of migrants, policy discussions, Policy Research, Policy Research Working Paper, Population Conference, productivity, progress, rate of migration, respect, rural areas, rural households, Scientific Study of Population, secondary schools, small loans, Social factors, Support Services, towns, Transportation, unemployment, unemployment rates, urban areas, urban centers, urban migration, Water supply, working-age population
- English
- Development Research Group (DECRG)
- Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 6166
Complete Report in English
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