Egypt - Cairo traffic congestion study - phase 1 (English) | The World Bank
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Egypt - Cairo traffic congestion study - phase 1 (English)
AbstractThis report discusses the first phase of a study to assess the baseline economic cost of current road traffic congestion in the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Area (GCMA), from which to prepare policy recommendations and an action plan to reduce traffic congestion… This report discusses the first phase of a study to assess the baseline economic cost of current road traffic congestion in the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Area (GCMA), from which to prepare policy recommendations and an action plan to reduce traffic congestion. The report begins with an introduction, including background and objective of the study. Section 2 presents a comprehensive assessment of the data and information needs of the study, identifying sources and samples of existing data and describing additional data that were collected as part of Task 2. Section 3 presents an analysis of the extent of traffic congestion in the GCMA, its main causes and key locations. Specifically, the section describes the detailed analysis performed on the Floating Car Survey (FCS) data and discusses the results. The section also presents the results of the consultative workshops conducted with traffic experts from academia, industry and Ministry of Interior. Section 4 presents the estimation of the direct economic cost of traffic congestion in Cairo. In this stage, economic costs of travel time delay, travel time unreliability, costs of excess fuel consumption, the associated cost of CO2 emission due to fuel consumption, and eventually total direct economic costs of traffic congestion in Cairo will be estimated.
- 2010/11/01
- Other Infrastructure Study
- 71845
- 1 of 1
- Egypt, Arab Republic of;
- Middle East and North Africa;
- 2012/08/14
- Egypt - Cairo traffic congestion study - phase 1
Accident data, accident statistics, Accidents, air, air quality, Airport, Arterial Roads, arterial routes, Arterial Street, automobile, automobile dealers, average speed … Average Speeds, Axles, bicycle, Bridge, Bridges, Bus, bus network, bus routes, bus services, bus share, buses, Car, Car Accidents, Car Ownership, car share, car users, Carbon Dioxide, cargo, Cars, causes of congestion, causes of traffic congestion, cement, Central Business District, commercial vehicle operators, congestion cost, Congestion Delay, Congestion indicators, congestion pricing, Cost of Congestion, Cost of Traffic, cost of travel, Costs of Congestion, Costs of Travel, crossing, Daily Traffic, Daily Traffic Volume, Diesel, Diesel cars, direct congestion, drivers, Emission, Emissions, engine, Equations, Excess Fuel Consumption, expressways, fleet composition, Framework, freight, freight transport, Fuel, fuel cost, fuel costs, fuel efficiency, fuel subsidies, gasoline, gasoline consumption, gasoline costs, heavy trucks, Highway, Highways, income, inspection, interchanges, intersections, Land Use, Lanes, light trucks, mass transit, mass transit systems, Metro Line, metro system, minibus, minibuses, Ministry of Transport, modal share, modal shift, Modal Split, motorcycle, motorcyclists, parking, passenger, Passenger Car Unit, passenger cars, passenger travel, passengers, passengers as well, PCU, Peak Hour, Peak Hours, peak period, peak periods, peak traffic, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, pedestrian crossings, peripheral areas, personal travel, personal travel time, population growth, Ports, price of fuel, primary highways, Public Transport, Public transport Capacity, Public Transport Daily, public transport pricing, public transport system, public transportation, radial corridors, Railway, reduction in traffic, Ring Road, road capacity, Road Class, Road Classification, road congestion, road hierarchy, road network, road system, road traffic, road types, road users, roads, Roadway, round trip, Route, Routes, rural areas, school bus, Streets, suburbs, sustainable transport, taxi use, taxis, Toll, toll roads, Traffic, Traffic Composition, Traffic Congestion, Traffic Congestion costs, traffic congestion problems, Traffic Count, traffic counting, Traffic Counts, traffic data, traffic demand, traffic flow, traffic management, Traffic Patterns, Traffic peak, traffic police, traffic speeds, traffic surveys, Traffic Volume, traffic volumes, transit, transit systems, transit users, Transport, transport data, transport demand, transport modes, transport network, transport operators, Transport Planning, transport pricing, transport problems, transport projects, transport sector, Transport Strategy, transport studies, transport system, Transport Users, transportation, transportation investments, transportation professionals, Travel distance, travel distances, Travel Speed, Travel Speeds, Travel Time, travelers, Trip, Trip Generation, trip origins, trips, truck traffic, trucks, Trust Fund, Tunnel, urban congestion, Urban Mobility, urban planning, urban transport, urban transport policy, urban transport problems, Urban Transport Project, urban transport projects, urban transport sector, Urban Transport Strategy, urban transport system, urbanization, Value of time, vans, Vehicle, vehicle inspection, Vehicle occupancy, Vehicle Operating, Vehicle Operating Cost, vehicle operating costs, vehicle types, vehicles, work trips,
- English
- Energy and mining ; Information and communications ; Transportation;
- EG-Cairo Congestion Study — P121712;
- General information and communications sector ; General energy sector ; General transportation sector;
- TF097031-Cairo Congestion Study ; TF097871-Egypt - Cairo Congestion Study
- Transport (MNSTR)
- Economic and Sector Work
Complete Report in English
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- Official PDF, 355 pages 24.85 mb
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